The hardest step in any journey is the first. We do 100 other things before we take that first step to work out; at that point our only obstacle is our mind. How we perceive experiences has a massive affect on our lives. In other words we behave according to how our minds perceive the pain or pleasure associated with an event or action. If we associate only pain, fatigue and misery with working out getting to the gym or the trail is harder. To that end; how do we improve our perception of working out? One thing we can do is make our workouts fun and measured. Don’t like weights? Use bands or body weight exercises. Don’t like running? Jump in a Zumba or body pump class at the gym. Day before preparation also makes a big difference. Plan the next days workout, meditate, get your clothes ready and get to bed early. If you associate pleasure with training you will want to do it more often. Remember this is the only real investment; your investment in you. #weightlossjourney #keeppushing #love #boxing #cardio #tone #train #exercise #weightloss #meditate #rest #womenshealth #mentalhealth #rapidweightloss